Mindset Jump is board game designed to help our young ones learn about Growth and Fixed Mindset in a fun and engaging way.
The game is designed with tiered difficulty levels so that children of different ages can play and learn something new each time.
Mindset Jump was developed in collaboration with a local Primary School in Singapore!

Learn through Play
Discover Growth and Fixed Mindset through a fun and interactive board game.

Easy-to-Understand Gameplay
Immersive gameplay adapted from the classic Snakes & Ladders game, with a Space adventure twist!

Different Difficulty Levels
There are three ways to play the game with different difficulty levels depending on the age of the players!

Powerful Tool For Educators
Whether you are a teacher, parent or coach, this is a powerful tool to help children learn about Growth Mindset!
Teaching Growth Mindset shouldn’t be boring! We developed lots of additional resources for educational purposes – we hope to make it as easy as possible for the game to be used classrooms.
The resources includes instruction videos, slides, worksheets for each of the three difficulty levels – there’s enough materials for everyone!
Note: Educational resources are packaged separately from the the board game. Do contact us at info@happinessinitiative.sg for more information!

Instruction videos
Fun, animated instruction videos for each difficulty level. Below is a sample of one of them!
Instruction Slides
Detailed slides to guide the students through the gameplay and unpacking of the learning!

Student Worksheets
It also includes worksheets to help consolidate the learning of the students, and to recap it again in the future.

Save Humanity with a Growth Mindset!
Mindset Jump is a board game designed to teach children about Growth Mindset in a fun and immersive way.
With easy-to-understand gameplay and different difficulty levels, it’s a powerful tool for educators, parents, and coaches to inspire positive thinking and perseverance in children.
For educators, contact us at info@happinessinitiative.sg for educational materials if you’re intending to use it in a classroom setting!
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